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Integrated Litigation Management software to manage lifecycle of Legal Matters, Litigations, Cases, Notices, Hearings while managing budgets, controlling costs and associated risks.

Allows businesses to streamline & manage Notices, Litigations, Hearings, Documents, Law firms, Budget, Expenses, Contingent liabilities; plan follow ups.




Legal Risks are becoming major threat to growth, stability & sustainability of businesses, making risk mitigation a top priority for the Board, CEOs and Legal department. While growing competition, fast paced markets, increased consumer awareness, proactiveness of regulatory agencies has increased the no. of legal matters; continuous scrutiny on social & electronic medias has increased the expectations from the in-house legal department.

In-house legal departments are expected to be more efficient, proactive and agile while juggling with cost-pressures, limited resources and time constraint to manage multiple matters. It’s daunting challenge for legal team to keep up with legal risks amongst numerous operational challenges like:


   Managing legal calendars across organisation
   Managing Law Firms, invoice approvals and reviews
   Co-ordination with internal and external counsels
   Tracking lifecycle of matter from notice to litigations, hearings, etc
   Managing Multiple Files, Documents and Orders
   Forecasting risks & contingent liabilities & many more..


With Lawrbit Legal Matter Management Software, easily track and communicate information related to litigation, notices or arbitrations. Closely integrated components of the solution allows effortless collaboration between counsels and internal legal teams. Allows unique insights into cases, notices, disputes, arbitrations and regulatory investigations.



  • Gain insight into data in a matter or across multiple matters within location, organisation
  • View data flow on various stages; how much you’ve collected from a particular custodian
  • Slice / dice data on various parameters; take informed decisions, predict future costs for similar matters
  • Manage Legal Matters, Cases, Litigations, Notices - Send / Received, Hearings, Judgements, Positions, Legal Documents, Intelligence, Lawyers, Costs & more


  • Plan sound litigation strategy by capturing and controlling various case related aspects
  • Capture & edit variables viz., court details, case type, case details, legal category & issues, potential impact on company & KMPs, win or loss probabilities, opponent party & lawyers details
  • Define internal position, budget, contingent liabilities with rationale for case owners
  • Define ownership, team involved, notifications required
  • Listing of all India courts helps in data analysis
  • Scan and upload multiple case related documents


  • Key dates and deadlines related to legal matters can be tracked through integrated calendar
  • Resources working for the matter gets automated alerts and reminders for all the scheduled court hearings, appeal and arbitration dates, etc
  • Calendars across teams, external counsels, can be easily viewed and updated
  • Mail reminders, notifications for hearings, due dates, etc


  • Quick addition and allocation of legal notices received
  • User at various functions, locations can raise request with Legal Team on receiving notices
  • Quick addition of Case / Notice and transfer in Legal Queue for resource allocation
  • Matters are queued and allocated to legal team member basis availability, expertise
  • Legal team can review, accept or decline matters, take appropriate action; create matter, case, notice & update relevant information
  • Allocate within team or external counsel for action


  • System has a unique flow wherein it captures the entire lifecycle of Legal Matter through various stages
  • Tree View Representation of actions taken in a matter with action type, title, date, status and owner search
  • View time, cost, efforts spend on matter in single screen
  • During settlement, consolidated view of pending cases, notices, stages, time and cost of matter involved helps management take informed decision
  • Create new matters, assign category, type, add descriptions, owner, parties involved & contact person/s
  • Link matter to cases, notices, hearings, etc.


  • Centralised repository of notices sent or received across all office locations and functions
  • Categorize, filter & search notices
  • Upload Reply & Update Stage
  • Align notice with existing matters, cases
  • Real-time Response and Timeline tracking
  • Email Notification to resource allocated
  • Convert notices to litigation (if required)
  • Set & update reminders for due dates


  • Centralized document repository to store all matter related documents including petition, case sheets, witness notes, judgements, etc.
  • Drag, drop, upload & tag multiple documents
  • Multi layered document security; access only to authorised personnel basis access controls and confidentiality tags.
  • Control upload document size, types.
  • Store, view, retrieve and search document at Matter, Case, Notice, Hearing, Judgements and overall levels


  • Create new hearings within case, allocate to existing, new counsel; attach documents related to hearing, update status
  • Update case status basis court’s Judgements, Orders
  • Create Appeals for the existing case
  • Initiate settlement with full control on matter being settled
  • Review Actuals vs Budgeted expenses; alert when approaching budget thresholds

Lawrbit’s Matter Management Solution helps improve efficiency, productivity and control legal costs effectively.

Single application across geo, entities, locations, functions
Centralised repository for all Litigations, Notices, Hearings, Orders
Standardised data collection via secured acces; eliminate inconsistencies and misses
Manage legal expenses; forecast contingent liabilities & win prospects
Eliminate redundancies & duplicity; improve efficiency, productivity, control legal costs
Generate on-demand reports; schedule email based reports on set frequency
Management reports, dashboards with drill down into each matter, case, notice, etc
Collaborate with external counsels, review cost & performance
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