When a company is formed and registered in terms of the Companies Act, 2013 for a future project or to hold an asset or intellectual property and has no significant accounting transaction, such a company or an inactive company may upon application to the Registrar as stipulated in the provisions of the Act obtain the status of a dormant company.
Applicable Provisions:
Note: In case of any outstanding unsecured loan, the company may make an application for obtaining dormant status ensuing to the receipt of the lender’s concurrence to this effect and enclosing the same with the application in Form MSC-1.
Note: The Register maintained under the portal maintained by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs on its website www.mca.gov.in or any other website notified by the Central Government, shall be the register for dormant companies. [Section 455(3) of Companies Act, 2013 and Rule 5 of the Companies (Miscellaneous) Rules, 2014]