Companies Act, 2013

Updation or Change of Particulars in Director Identification Number

Aakanksha Singhal Aakanksha Singhal
Aakanksha Singhal

Published on: Jul 6, 2022

Khushboo Sharma
Khushboo Sharma

Updated on: Nov 14, 2024

(6 Rating)


Director Identification Number (DIN) refers to an identification number allotted by the Central Government to any individual, intending to be appointed as a director or to any existing director of a company, for the purposes of identification as a director of the company. Such Director Identification Number (DIN) shall also include a Designated Partnership Identification Number (DPIN) issued under section 7 of the Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008) and rules made thereunder. [Rule 2(1)(d) of the Companies (Appointment and Qualification of Directors) Rules, 2014]

Applicable Provisions:

  1. Rule 2, 11, 12 of Companies (Appointment and Qualifications of Directors) Rules, 2014

The following information/details can be updated by way of filing e-Form DIR-6 with the concerned Registrar of Companies (RoC):

  1. Name of the Director/Designated Partners
  2. Date of Birth
  3. Voters Identity Card Number
  4. Photograph of the Director/Designated Partners
  5. Aadhaar Number
  6. Father’s Name
  7. Gender
  8. Passport Number
  9. Permanent residential address
  10. Residential Status
  11. Nationality
  12. Income-Tax PAN
  13. Driving License Number
  14. Present Residential Address

Mandatory Requirements:

  1. Approval of the Central Government for updation/changes in the particulars of Director Identification Number (DIN) [Rule 12]
  2. Abstain from possessing more than one Director Identification Number (DIN) [Section 155]
  3. Married women, who are having Id proof with maiden name, can submit marriage certificate alongwith application for any change in therein.


  1. Intimation of Changes in the Director Identification Number (DIN) Particulars [Rule 12(1)]:
    • Every Director Identification Number (DIN) holder in case of any change in his/her particulars as furnished inForm DIR-3 must intimate about such change(s) to the Central Government within 30 days of such change(s) Form DIR-6 along with the stipulated fees and scanned copy of the following documents which are mandatory in all the cases:
      • Proof of change in the furnished particulars
      • Identity Proof of the director/designated partner (Income-Tax PAN is mandatory in case of Indian Nationals and Passport is mandatory in case of Foreign Nationals)
      • Residence proof of the director/designated partner (Bank statements, electricity bill, telephone bill, utility bills, etc. which shall not be older than 2 months from the filing date of the e-form in case of Indian nationals and not older than 1 year from the filing date of the e-form in case of Foreign nationals)
      • Any other optional attachment (s) as may deem fit.
    • Such form is required to be digitally signed by Chartered Accountant in practice/ Company Secretary in practice/ Cost and Works Accountant in practice.
    *Note: In case of proofs that are in languages other than Hindi/English, the proofs should be translated into Hindi/English by a professional translator carrying his details (name, signature, address) and seal.
  2. Ruling of the Central Government [Rule 12(2)]:
    The Central Government upon being satisfied and after duly verifying the changed particulars from the enclosed proofs, shall incorporate the said changes and inform the applicant by way of a letter via post or electronically or in any other mode confirming the effect of such change in the electronic database maintained by the Ministry.
  3. Directors KYC [Rule 11(2) and 12A]:
    • Every individual Director Identification Number(DIN) as on 31st March of a financial year as per the Companies (Appointment and Qualification of Directors) Rules shall submit DIR-3- KYCfor the said financial year to the Central Government on or before 30th, September of immediate next financial year together with fees as provided under Companies (Registration Offices and Rules, 2014.
    • In case an individual has already submitted e-form DIR-3 KYC in relation to any previous financial year, and further submits web-form DIR-3 KYC-WEB through the web service in relation to any subsequent financial year then it shall be deemed to be compliance of the provisions of rule 12A of the Companies (Appointment and Qualification of Directors) Rules for the said financial year.
    • The Director Identification Number (DIN), of an individual shall be deactivated by the Central Government Regional Director (Northern Region), or any officer authorized by the Central Government orRegional Director (Northern Region) in case the respective director does not furnish his/her particulars in e-form DIR-3-KYC or the web service DIR-3-KYC-WEB as the case may be within stipulated time in accordance with rule 12A of the Companies (Appointment and Qualification of Directors) Rules.
    • Individual intending to update his personal mobile number or email address again at any time, during the financial year, in addition to the updation allowed by submitting e-form DIR-3 KYC, on or before 30th September, 2024, of the financial year, in accordance with third proviso to Rule 12A, can be done by submitting such e-form DIR-3 KYC, on payment of fees of five hundred rupees.

The Ministry of Corporate Affairs had notified Companies (Appointment and Qualification of Directors) Amendment Rules, 2023 (dated: 20th January, 2023) by which Form DIR-6 cannot be file for change in mobile & email, the respective fields have been removed and in case of change of address jurisdiction of police station to be mentioned.

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