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ERM Enterprise Risk Controls Management Software Solution


Unknown to Known . Risks to Opportunities

Strategically manage Enterprise level risks

Lawrbit’s Enterprise Risk & Controls Management Software connects risks to origin, designed controls, evaluation, evidence; allowing 360o view of Enterprise wide risks with real-time, intuitive reports and dashboards for CXOs & auditors to proactively identify process gaps and take timely corrective actions

Strategically manage Enterprise level risks

Integrated Approach Towards Enterprise Risks & Controls Management

Integrated Approach Towards Enterprise Risks & Controls Management

An effective risk management strategy focus on tying all risk sources, entities, functions together; enabling the risk officers protect business interests while bringing process owners spread across locations collaborate. Lawrbit’s ERM Software:

  • Define group level risks & controls.
  • Trickle down to business, entity & functional level, while allowing them to add their specific risks & controls.
  • Identify risks by source of origin or globally recognized frameworks (COSO, COBIT, etc.)
  • Assess risks against various dimensions using multiple configurable aspects viz, impact, likelihood, etc.
  • Configurable & Scalable. Each business can be operate independently, yet connect with common thread; creating Risk Organogram across group
Improved Processes, Workflows

Improved Processes, Workflows

Intuitive & user friendly interface makes it simple for users to interact with system to provide quality information on timely basis

  • Adopt best practices to improve internal processes
  • Effectively engage process owners, leaders through an interactive interface and powerful workflows
  • Allocate risks and controls across enterprise, between functions, locations and process owners
  • Define evaluation frequency, generate ad-hoc evaluations, sample size depending on nature and criticality of risks
  • Automated notifications & reminders to control owners when an evaluation is due or pending
  • Maintain consistency and efficiency in data gathering, follow up on action plans and reporting


Risks are dynamic, iterative and responsive basis business environment; so shall be an effective ERM. Lawrbit’s ERM system is highly configurable to your organization.

  • Configurable, no coding, drag-n-drop options allows for unique tailoring to your business
  • Administer your program to adapt the system to your business; add, edit, reallocate risks and controls in accordance with changing business needs
  • Attach and link policies, SOPs or other documents to risks; enabling user to understand better
  • Role based access control at each level
  • Supports both top-down and bottom-up assessments to summarize risk profile of a business or organization
Document Management

Document Management

  • Define type of documents and maximum size of documents allowed to be uploaded
  • Advance search for download basis multiple parameters; download multiple documents
  • User can upload multiple documents, tag them as Evidence, Supporting doc & Working Sheet
  • Add Confidentiality tag for each document
  • Temper proofing of document - Once uploaded, deletion, modification not allowed
Gain Insights With Analytical Reports & Dashboards

Gain Insights With Analytical Reports & Dashboards

  • Interactive dashboards with drill down, trend charts, location & function wise heat maps
  • GeographicalHeat Map with drill down
  • Custom view for CXOs & board with their own views for direct access risk data in the system
  • Link strategic risk to today’s operations and save weeks of report preparation.
  • Establish risk governance and issue reporting framework with clear accountability for users and risk executives through “Matrix Report”, an innovative report builder
        -   Create & save multiple report templates
        -   Schedule report for auto mailing
Value Added Innovative Features

Value Added Innovative Features

  • Integrated Ticket Centre allowing users to raise support tickets, get resolution, rate responses
  • Manuals, Videos to help user learn system
  • User can customise Notification, Reminder settings; define frequency & periodicity
  • Internal chat Application: Users can chat with other active users, leave offline messages
  • Audit Trails for every action by user & User rights, settings by Admin
  • Contact Directory with user details


Dedicated to ensure you’re fully secured when accessing our service. With evolving threats, we have taken multiple measures to avoid unauthorized access & ensure secure data in transit and at rest

Application Hosting & Infrastructure

  • Hosted on AWS DC in Mumbai; can be hosted in any of 70+ Availability zones in 24 Regions in accordance with Data Localisation requirements
  • Certified with security protocols ISO27001, ISO27017, ISO27018, SOC1/SOC2, PCI-DSS
  • Using Full Stack of Services by AWS to ensure data security & application performance - CloudTrail, Elastic Compute Cloud, Simple Storage Service, Relational Database Service , Identity & Access Management, Multi-Factor Authentication Config, CodeCommit, CloudFront & Many More

Architecture & Process Control

  • 2 Factor Authentication to protect identity
  • Role Based Access Controls
  • Software Development level Security protocols
  • Strong Password Policy with 180 days expiry rule
  • Risk/Vulnerability Assessment and Remediation
    • Automated & Manual Software Testing
    • Periodic Internal and 3rd party audits
    • Change Management
    • Process in place mitigate Security Incidents
    • Security Training for Employee

DR, Back Up & Network Controls

  • Daily / Monthly data backup; accessed by IT
  • Backups on AWS cloud with secured access
  • Backup jobs are tested on 6 monthly intervals
  • Data Encryption using AES 256
  • A secondary DB is created on AWS - RDS on real time basis (0.02 seconds)
  • Disaster Recovery option enabled
  • Corporate Wi-Fi & VPN for access controls
  • Firewall configuration and
  • Network logs are maintained & assessed
  • Identity Management controlled


Offered as SaaS; client always enjoys advantages of recent innovations


Underlying technology & app are upgraded frequently to keep with changing needs & evolving tech landscape


Substantial portion of revenue is ear marked for R&D to build new features & functionalities to ease end user work

Domain AND Tech Support

Product related issues to be addressed by our team of Engineers. Configuration & Operation Support on Demand
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